2千岛湖方宅,Fang House .jpg



Fang House is located in Zhangshuxia Village, Qiandao Lake, Hangzhou city. The homestead of Fang House is a rectangular plot of 8mX12m, which is also the largest area that the village grants uncle Fang to build.

The house site is located in the inner part of the village. The house is surrounded by three-story residential houses, and there is hardly any view of the lake from the inside of the house. Blocked by the surrounding volume of the building, the architects decided to design the site as an "inner space construction", with two vertical atriums in this small box. When viewed from the outside, it is a very simple square box, all openings are inward.

4项目基地状况,project site.jpg

5方宅被周围三层的建筑体量所包围,Fang House is surrounded by three buildings .jpg


The owner, Uncle Fang, used to live and work in Hangzhou. After retirement, he decided to go back to his hometown qiandao Lake and rebuild the old house. At the same time, it was convenient for him to take care of the elderly. So Uncle Fang made an important appeal: he hoped to get a multi-generation house. The first floor would be reserved for two rooms for the elderly, the second floor for Uncle Fang's own room and tea room, and the third floor for the future owners of the house: Uncle Fang's son and his family. He thought it would be better to have about 10 rooms in the house so that his son could stay with the baby on weekends. "Home is a happy place," Uncle Fang always said.

7方宅草图,内部中庭及体积规划,sketch, arrangement of the patio and volumes.jpg



The residential site 8mX12m is an archetypal scale. How to divide the 10 rooms in such a space is a problem that the architect needs to think carefully about. We first set up the smallest room unit scale in village dwellings: 3mx4m. The longitudinal 12m can be divided into 4M + 4M + 4M, and the middle is used as a breathable transit living room. The lateral 8m is divided into 1M5 +3.25m+3.25m, where the two misaligned Spaces of 1M5x8m are used as a tiny, breathable atrium space. The two long and narrow atria form the most characteristic part of this plan. The two sides separate the atria to establish the connection between space and space. The atria is the link of connection, the circulation of breath, and the place of communication between people.

10_12_13方宅侧立面:纵向长窗暗示了内部狭长的中庭空间side elevation  vertical window indicating the narrow patio inside the building  拷贝.jpg



The two atrium Spaces allow the room to move beyond its physical dimensions, and in this case the atrium is an extension of the room's internal space. From the rectangular interior of the room, the room can be extended in another direction through the French viewfinder window. People can perceive a long and narrow space with a length of nearly 8m and a width of only m5 in the interior of the room. We hope that the whole house itself is a livable, impressive, and tourable introverted box, which can be well used and lived in, and can also be well visited and appreciated.

17剖面图,section .jpg

18展开模型,unfold model .jpg


Two narrow atrium is the collection of all the traffic space, all the stairs is set to run the stairs alone, people are all rising path around the two vertical atrium has risen in a spiral, it also makes all paths are

surrounded by the outer boundary of the building, which is to maximize the possibility of increased travel.

20从客厅空间感知中庭,feel the patio in the living room .jpg

22_23从三楼客厅感知内部中庭,perceptive the patio from the third floor living room.jpg


"The old house have a straight stairwell, not a folding staircase. I don't like the stairs that turn. I like the stairs you designed, which are the same as the old house." Uncle Fang said. The staircase is located at the side of the old house, although the new design is no longer the traditional wood construction, but the scale

of the staircase and the same type of form. These can be real wakeup the memory of the old house, the fragments of childhood grow up stories.

25老宅拆除时的照片,photos of the old house being demolished.jpg

26设置有单跑楼梯的中庭空间,patio space with a straight staircase.jpg


As a box of inner space, the atrium is also a box of light and time. In this building, the two atria correspond to two different orientations of east and west, so when we sit inside the room and look into the atrium, we will find that the atrium has "time". We can see the movement and change of the sun's shadow, see the direct light in the morning and afternoon respectively in the two atrium, see the light at noon almost vertical wash on the wall, and so on. When we casually raise our heads, we can see the clouds moving in the sky, or the rain making a splash on the glass skylight. Here the hours of the day can be slowed down, and the flow of "time" is just another comfort of country life.

28房间内部空间,inside the room.jpg

29从房间内观看中庭,view of the patio from the bedroom.jpg

30方宅内自然光线的进入,natural light pouring into the house through skylight.jpg

31夜景,night view .jpg

32首层平面图first floor plan.jpg

33_34二层平面图second floor plan.jpg
