
MOBIUS Office is a crowd-creation and innovative office space commissioned by the CAS Delta Capital

Management Co. Ltd and partner institutions in CAS Capital Digital Economy Innovation Center, Hangzhou. The project is located on the first floor of No. 16 Building in Smart campus of XIZI. The original building is six meters high. The corners of the outer wall are composed of curved glass curtain walls. The original building space has a strong feature.

2办公空间入口区概览,overview of the entrance of the office.jpg


According to the cultural attributes of the CAS Capital Digital Economy Innovation Center, we want to go beyond the standard office space pattern and create a new open system, allowing multiple dimensions of space to interact here, and allowing people can get fully immersive experience of the place we created. We materialize this spatial system with two main concepts: "perception" and "exploration", which is a new explorable model for today's offices from the perception of scale, perception of behavior, perception of color, perception of order and multidimensional perception as well.

4轴测图axonometric drawing .jpg


We eliminated the corridor space surrounding the central tube in the original building, broke the old gridding system, and replaced a series of boxes. These boxes are like buildings with curved corners that can

form a continuous facade, also that can dialogue with the curved corners of this original space. That forms a harmonious symbiosis with this original space.

5被置入传统办公空间的彩色“盒子”,colorful “boxes” inserted in a traditional office space.jpg


These boxes are defined as a kind of "buildings within buildings"

", which exist as public functions in this

mini-city ecology: meeting rooms, negotiation rooms, roadshow theater stages, personal creation spaces, and so on. They serve as shared "floating islands" in this city. The outer walls of all "floating islands" use

corrugated aluminum panels commonly used in building exterior walls. This provides a meaningful interior space for the remaining "sea area"-office space.

7各种色彩和功能的“盒子”,”boxes” with different color and function.jpg

8各种色彩和功能的“盒子”,”boxes” with different color and function.jpg


Exploring the scale



In the mobilization of scale perception, we have deliberately completed a continuous "internalized urban facade", these facades have doors, windows, and other architectural components with strong symbolic significance, and their internal significance to the space And attributes have an important identifying function. They are a series of abstract and alienated symbols with clear semantics. In this space, the ratio of all doors and windows has been deliberately doubled. People's perception of the spatial scale has a constant scale-the body. Our definition of "big" or "small" is often compared to our own body, so people are in or face this When building a huge space, you will feel an unusual sense of oppression, which completely surpasses the understanding of scale in people's daily experience. Therefore, the human body's perception of the spatial scale and the mental understanding of the meaning of symbols have been fully mobilized.

10超尺度的办公空间,multi-scale office space.jpg

11双倍高度的会议空间,double height meeting space.jpg


At the same time, our mobilization of scale perception is two-level, one pole is a super-scale megastructure, and the other pole is an individualized microstructure. In the personal subtle creation space we set up, it is a mini space of only 2mx2m, which can be used as a refuge for one's quiet thinking and creation. In use, people will be surprised that such a small space can actually accommodate four people's conversations or

meetings at the same time. Our perception of this spatial scale is constantly switching between this maximum and minimum, maximizing the mobilization and stimulation of the human body's perception of the volume of space. This new way of constructing scales is more like a declaration: breaking the solidified paradigm in consciousness, using the body to explore unknown scales and exploring another world.

13莫比斯加速器探索式的空间入口,an exploratory space entrance of Mobis.jpg

14探索区域,the exploration area.jpg

15探索区域,the exploration area.jpg



The second perception we mobilize is the perception of human behavior. The entrance area of the entire exhibition hall is defined as a pure exploration area. This exploration area is composed of a homogeneous cabinet enclosed on three sides. At the beginning, we entered this matrix cabinet. In the physical space, every visitor is puzzled. The entrance needs to be searched by oneself. During the whole process, people will remain in an unknown state. This is the beginning of the "exploration" and "perception" of the entire space.

In each opening, the visitor does not know whether he will open a small grid, a door, or a window. In other parts, the components such as doors and windows are maximized and emphasized, but in this space, on the contrary, they are maximized and hidden. We hope that it can point to the essential state of doors and windows-they are both a medium connecting space, a medium connecting space, and "opening" is an important behavior that gives it semantics.

18人体尺度与办公空间尺度对比,comparison of human scale and office space scale.jpg


When we open the cabinet and enter this space, the perception of behavior is still continued. When some doors are doubled, the height of the door handle also increases to a height of 1.6 meters, then the person opens The behavior of the person who is shorter also needs to be lifted to open. At this time, opening" blends the perception of behavior with the perception of scale.

20由彩色办“盒子”看向传统办公空间,a view from the “boxes” to the traditional office space .jpg


Behavioral exploration


The third perception we mobilize is the perception of sequences. When the user is in a non-orthogonal space, the originally stable space coordinate axis is disrupted, and the turning and torsion of the space blurs people's perception of the actual scale of the space, and in turn, enters a state of perception of the scale .

Therefore, in these fuzzy spaces, we have specially set up some "rulers", which give the space

"interpretability". For example, the cabinet space of the array, all cabinets have a uniform scale, they are like auxiliary lines of the space, so that the space can be measured when needed; at the same time, the orderly arrangement of the lamps also forms a kind of "ruler"; Corrugated aluminum plate is also a sequence, as a regular material, it has its own determined material spacing. Other materials are completely immeasurable, such as the entire surface of latex paint, and the floor plank without joints. Because of the lack of reference, its scale is blurred. Therefore, the materials in this space are clearly divided into two types, one is a "ruler" with a clear sense of sequence, the other is an extremely vague and unmeasured material, and the user is measurable and unmeasured. Continuously switch between.

22区别于传统办公室的空间序列,a different spatial sequence from a traditional office .jpg

23区别于传统办公室的空间序列,a different spatial sequence from a traditional office .jpg


Behavioral exploration


The fourth perception we mobilize is people's perception of spatial dimensions. The space we hope to describe is not just a box filled with air, it also has multiple dimensions. In most of our lives, the space we experience is a single dimension, and a space actually has multiple levels of horizontal, vertical, vertical, or

diagonal. Therefore, when we observe this space at any level, we will get different perceptual results. This multi-dimensional interpretation makes the space more diverse.

25_26休闲洽谈空间,leisure space.jpg


This requires us to fully mobilize the potential of each space in multiple directions. We need to set up two or more ways of viewing for each space: some viewpoints are parallel to the way of entering; some viewpoints need to retreat to another space for a distant view; some viewpoints are inadvertently looking back, we hope Users can deeply perceive the process of space transformation among multiple dimensions, and this is where the potential of space lies.

28错层空间,split level space .jpg


The "stranger" in the spatial dimension comes from the fact that when we look at this clip from another angle, we have gone through a series of processes such as disappearing-jumping-appearing, but in looking back, we can find them like solving a case. Clues and connections between. Because when we are deep in space, our perception of space is often limited. Looking back at the place you have observed from another point of view will produce a kind of backtracking of memories, and this kind of "strangeness" of familiar places. The "stranger" makes us start to look at the space from another angle, and at the same time look at the many problems we face from another angle.



Behavioral exploration


The fifth perception we mobilize is people's perception of the color of space. In the monochromatic space, the color is single, but the space is multi-dimensional. Therefore, the visual state of a single color in the

space is not single, but has a stronger shaping power on the space. The space is dynamic, and the color will change under different light environments and with the change of people's observation point of view. These changes maximize the possibility of the space.

32用色大胆的办公室,office with bold colors.jpg

33_35用色大胆的办公室,office with bold colors.jpg


The transition between colors also adds a layer of definition of different spaces. Colors extend the boundaries of certain spaces. The physical boundaries begin to overlap with the color boundaries. This overlap creates many transparent spaces, starting from the physical boundaries. The upper part belongs to the corridor, but belongs to the indoor space from the color boundary. This is the beginning of the transformation of space from static to dynamic. The overlap of definitions has begun to appear in the space.

This overlap has blurred the boundaries between indoor and outdoor areas, and has made some spaces appear to have dual identities. This is also another state of exploration. Space is not equal to a room. The paradigm of static physical boundaries is broken. The definition of inside and outside can become more dynamic and diverse in this space. Some things need to be reflected and thought again.

